Creative Branding

Everything is linked or associated in a way where your job, social life, beauty standards, taste of music etc. where every human developed set of values, ideas or we'd better call it a BRAND

Nowadays, that is how our brsains conceive the world, as concepts. Your brain creates a brand for the subject or entity its examining. A brand is a notion or an impression your brain perceive about subjects in this commercialized world, affected by the type of input it has been receiving. This perception plays a major role in shaping your conceptualization or worldview of each and every unit. 

Your brain is always affected by the way entities are presented to it, when and what impression did this presentation leave, how long did it last, how many times it occured and for how long. This is the process of how we learn or adapt to like what we like. Likewise, the concept of branding and the system businesses should be introduced or communicate with the conciousness of their targeted audience; knowing how to present themselves regarding duration, rate, audience and channel that is branding knowledge. 


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